Ruthie's Excellent India Adventure

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Just a Few Quick Thoughts

I have a few minutes before I have to leave to travel to the HSBC site in Salt Lake to begin today's work. Yesterday was my first full day in the site and despite being 8,000 miles from the Duluth site its amazing how similar everything is. The first thing I noticed was the difference between the 'day' shift and the 'night' shift. Since all shifts in Kolkata take place in the early evening to overnight hours you would think there would be no difference. Not so! The shifts that work from 5Pm to Midnight are more sedate quiet, much like the day shift teams were in my home site. After Midnight when the night shift teams appear the floor becomes more animated with conversation, etc...... Good thing because it helped me stay awake.

This morning Cole and I took a quick walk through New Market, the main market area of Kolkata. It is the Kolkata equivalent of the Mall of America, four floors packed with shops which sell everything from fruits and vegetables to housewares to furniture to beautiful cloth and saris to amazing jewelry. Truly anything you would need could be found there. New Market is housed in a building built in the 1800's and is truly an amazing conglomeration of vendors, goods and shoppers. In later posts I will try to post some pictures of both the outside and the inside. You truly will be amazed. That's all for everyone take care!


At 2:43 PM, Blogger Shannon Anderson said...

Mom and Dad,

You can see my blog from this link, I think!

Have a good night!



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