Ruthie's Excellent India Adventure

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Birthday's to Remember?

As many of you know Cole and I both celebrate our birthdays in September. Cole’s is on the 21st of September and mine is the 23rd of September. You may be wondering how we celebrated our birthdays in our new, exotic home. The pictures below give you an idea on how we spent our birthdays. One is a picture of a toilet and I am sure you can guess why that picture is there. The other picture is of a ceiling fan which is what we watched go round and round and round and round…… as we lay in bed between visits to the object in the first picture. So our 53rd and 51st birthdays were spent very close to home doing not so exotic things. Both of us were better within a day or two and above this post you will see pictures of Cole’s trip to Mossourrie and Dehli (he got ill in Dehli). As they say, no pain no gain!


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